Technical data

Type number 52 441 52 442 52 443
Tripping force [kN] 5-25 11,5-25 25-63
Adjusting time [s/90°]      
Position-changing velocity [min-1]      
[mm/min] 45-200 27-125 45-155
Working stroke [°]      
[mm] 10-100 10-100 20-120
Supply voltage 1x 230 V, 50 Hz    
24 V, 50 Hz      
1 x 110 V, 50 Hz      
3 x 230 / 400 V, 50 Hz
Control Two position On-Off
Three position
Position sensing Resistance transmitter (R)
Current transmitter (I)
Position interrupt
Torque-initated interrupt
Manual actuation
Explosion-proof design      
Type of enclosure IP 67 IP 67 IP 67
Weight - depending on design (Al/cast iron) and on motor [kg] 22 33-45 60-78


The MODACT® MTP actuators are used for remote two-position or three-position control of the valves by a reverse rectilinear motion. The MODACT® MTP CONTROL actuators are fitted with an electronic position controller.

In association with the valve exhibiting a suitable control characteristic, they form a position servo-loop. The output pull-rod of these actuators is automatically brought into a position corresponding to the input signal value of the controller. The actuators can be used even for other devices for which they are in respect of their characteristics and parameters suitable. In some special cases, the contemplated use of the actuators should be consulted with the manufacturer.

Files for download:

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