Technical data

Type number 52325 52326 52327 52328 52329
Tripping torque [Nm] 16-80 63-125 125-250 250-500 500-1000
Tripping force [kN]          
Adjusting time [s/90°] 10-80 10-80 20-160 20-80 40-160
Position-changing velocity [min-1]          
Working stroke [°] 90 90 90 90 90
Supply voltage 1x 230 V, 50 Hz
24 V, 50 Hz          
1 x 110 V, 50 Hz          
3 x 230 / 400 V, 50 Hz
Control Two position On-Off
Three position
Position sensing Resistance transmitter (R)
Current transmitter (I)
Position interrupt
Torque-initated interrupt
Manual actuation
Explosion-proof design zone 2 type "n" zone 2 type "n" zone 2 type "n" zone 2 type "n" zone 2 type "n"
Type of enclosure IP 65, 67 IP 65, 67 IP 65, 67 IP 65, 67 IP 65, 67
Weight - depending on design (Al/cast iron) and on motor [kg] 7,5 13 13-21 26-27 43-45


The MODACT ® MOK actuators are designed for shifting control elements by a reversible rotary motion with the turning angle of the output part 90°, including cases when tight closure in end positions is required. Typical example of using is control of ball and flap valves in similar installations in the regime of remote control as well as automatic regulation. The electric actuators MODACT MOK are mounted directly on the controlled element.

Files for download:

3D model 52325zip3.92 MB
3D model 52326zip3.53 MB
3D model 52327zip3.96 MB
3D model 52328zip3.81 MB
3D model 52329zip4.12 MB
Cataloguepdf1.97 MB